Things Are heating Up!

The latest E-mail from Mike Huckabee and HuckPAC:  

Well it’s summer and things are predictably heating up.  Not just in your backyard but on Capitol Hill as well.

Republicans in the House and Senate are fighting for a balanced energy plan to bring relief to families everywhere.  All week Republican legislators in the House have staged a rally demanding Speaker Nancy Pelosi call back the Congress for a special session and an up or down vote on a comprehensive energy plan that includes offshore drilling.

In the Senate, Republicans have gone to the airwaves with a simple but powerful message demanding action on a balanced energy plan.  You can see their video here.  I am proud to say it includes two Huck PAC endorsed candidates:  Lamar Alexander and Elizabeth Dole.  After you watch the video I encourage you to share it with family and friends.

Second, please help us close the gap on our goal of 2,000 contributions by August 20.  Since last Thursday we have had 485 individuals make an online contribution towards our goal.  If you haven’t made a contribution yet, please consider doing so today.  With a contribution of $10 or more we will count your contribution towards our goal.  If you are willing to match the average contribution of your fellow supporters, it is $65.  Regardless of what you contribute, what is important is that you participate.  Huck PAC is fully funded by individuals like you

Finally, and this is something we are all excited about, I wanted to share an idea we had and get your feedback. Everyone knows how committed our supporters were during the campaign.  Time after time we overcame long odds to shock the pundits because of the hard work of our volunteers.  In September we want to launch a campaign to mobilize Huckabee supporters once again, this time in support of our favorite candidates.  With your help, we will set a goal of X hours and then track the hours on our front page like we used to track dollars raised online during the campaign.  Participating volunteers can help any candidate of their choosing.  All they need to do is tell us who the candidate is and then login on our website the number of hours they volunteered for (so they are counted towards our total).  The candidate you help does not have to be a Huck PAC endorsed candidate.  If this effort is successful, we will launch it again in October and set a higher goal for our team.

Do you like this idea?  Please vote here.

And if you do like it, please help us set our goal of “Volunteer hours” for the month of September by voting here.

To recap, if you have a moment please do three things for me today:  watch this video, make a contribution towards our August online fundraising goal and tell me what you think about our Volunteer idea in September.

Fighting for our values,

Mike Huckabee

More on The History Made In South Carolina

I have more detailed information and analysis on the history made in South Carolina over this past weekend.

First of all is an article over at BlogHub by a blogger who is following Campaign 2008 in The Palmetto State.

Governor Mike Huckabee, who endorsed the newly elected Committeeman, Glen McCall, Congratulates McCall on winning and the GOP and people of South Carolina on this huge event:

-Mike Huckabee

With Glenn McCall’s election this weekend as Republican National Committeeman, South Carolina Republicans have gained a strong, capabale leader prepared for the challenges ahead. I was proud to endorse Glenn in the leadup to the convention and look forward to watching him help move the Party forward.

As a man of faith, Glenn believes in defining marriage between one man and one woman, and that we must fight to protect the unborn. Also, Glenn believes in protecting our freedoms, and for that reason he is an avid second amendment supporter. You can read more about Glenn here.

Republicans everywhere are going to face many challenges in the weeks and months ahead. We need strong leaders willing to lead us forward with new ideas. Glenn is such a leader. Congratulations Glenn! You didn’t just win this weekend, South Carolina won, as did our Republican Party.

History Made in South Carolina as Huckabee Republican Movement Continues!

Note – Thanks to the Huckabee Alliance for crossposting and for submitting the article below to Real Clear Politics. I appreciate it!

There is big news tonight out of South Carolina that you won’t hear from the media. The Republican Party of South Carolina has elected it’s first African-American Republican National Committeeman, Glenn McCall! It’s also possible that he will be the very first African American Republican National Committeeman from the entire South! The Next Right has more details. So what does this have to do with Mike Huckabee and the Huckabee Republican movement? McCall was endorsed for the position by Governor Mike Huckabee. McCall defeated the incumbent who was endorsed by the Christian Coalition. This speaks in a large volume about what is occurring in the Republican Party and the Evangelical movement at large. The followers in the pews are overpowering their leaders at the pulpit who are fading away into obscurity and/or showing an extreme lack of leadership. Also while he was eventually defeated in his run for the President, Governor Huckabee has planted seeds in the ground and his followers are sowing them. They are not just sitting idly by for their next chance to try again for Huck. They are now using their newly-found political experience (Most of us have never been involved politically before) by running for offices both, large and small, across this land (not to mention positions within the Republican party itself). The seeds Huckabee has planted are now sprouting into plants.

A month ago I was very wary of the possibility that Mike Huckabee could be named John McCain’s running mate. Don’t get me wrong – I am all for that in fact I endorse Mike Huckabee for Vice President. However I feel it is important to mention that at the time I was very concerned that Mike Huckabee would not be able to continue to lead his movement to change the GOP for the better. Today I am very confident that his followers can carry the torch by themselves if they had to. Keep in mind It was us, the grassroots supporters that were a big force behind Huckabee’s success (as Huck did not have a lot of money). We were able to close some of the money gap with our zeal and passion. I realize that the establishment wing of the GOP is now combining forces to try to defeat us. Well go ahead, make my day! Ours is a battle worth fighting for and we are not going to be turned away so easily!

We’ll Take The Small Victories When They Come

Despite the setback last night in Mississippi 01 (in a contest that will no doubt be replayed in November anyway) there was a victory for the Huckabee Republican movement where even squares have a ball! 19-year old Huckabee volunteer and supporter John Tyler Hammons won his bid to become the next mayor of Muskogee Oklahoma USA! His opponent was endorsed by the local paper and outspent Hammons 5-1! Despite all of this Hammons won the election with over 70% of the votes! Congrats John!

It’s a relatively small victory for the Huckabee Republican movement but we’ll take it!

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Today Is A Big Day For The Huckabee Republican Movement!

Today is a big day for the Huckabee Republican movement. Yeah I know it is Primary day in West Virginia which is only important for the Dems…and the only question there is how wide the margin will Clinton win by?

There are two runoff elections to watch tonight. First in Mississippi-1 where Greg Davis is running for Congress. He has been endorsed by Mike Huckabee and Huck has spent time and money in the race there. A win for Davis would be the first success for HuckPAC.

Also what is occurring in this country is Huckabee’s followers are running for local public office. One of them is John Tyler Hammons, a 19 year-old who is running for Mayor in Muskogee, OK today. Best of luck! The link will send you to the Huck’s Army forum topic and how you can help him by making some phone calls for this young man.

This Comment Nails It!

I’ve had a few comments to my “Huckabee Republican” post from the other day. I could leave this one as just a comment but it screams to be shared in a post of its own because Larry hits the nail right on the head!


Listen carefully to what I’m saying. I have been by your blog from time to time and was myself a Huckabee blogger since March or April, 07. Before I go into it, understand that I feel strongly that the list you have given is the important core to forging a new coalition. I think it helps to keep the focus limited, though other elaborations will flow from application of the same principles.But, here is the important part: I arrived at a place consistent with yours VIA AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PATH. And, that illustrates how a new core coalition can be forged that can override the traditional bases of The Republican parties. I don’t care what name that coalition grows under, even if it’s Democrat or Republican.What I care about is that this positive approach is widely embraced and that the traditional bases feel displaced from power. Now, let me tell you of my path. I already see that a commenter has referred to your “move to the dark side,” apparently because you dared to embrace the word, “Republican” in any measure or context. That is the “negative” disposition that it is imperative is overridden in a new movement. And, believe me, it describes an activist element of the base of both mahor parties. The exact same phrase could be equally applied to a Democrat by a Republican. That’s what needs to be defeated and discarded.I can go into detail on my agreement with your numerous points, including your dissent with the call for a marriage amendment to the US Constitution, and the fact that I believe some of these points are even more urgent than Huckabee presented them as, like The Fair Tax. And, I may do so. But for now, I’ll keep this from becoming an extended distraction from the point that you and I come from different provinces of the population that must be united in this coalition.I am a lifelong conservative and a doctrinaire one, but of philosophy not of sentiment. I have in fact, voted 3rd party in the past because Republican candidates were too ambiguous. A few years ago, I slowly acknowledged the fact that people on both sides vote for what they believe is “good.” And, the establishment of both sides usually puts power above the objective of good. I decided I would rather discuss what is good with someone who disagrees than grasp for power with someone who checks my boxes for power’s sake. I decided that we must discuss ideals and reach to people in both parties, rather than focusing on vanquishing the villains on the other side and standing victorious over them with arms raised and a foot on their neck after we have emulated them enough to win a bare majority or plurality.This is true idealism, not mere animosity. But, who will embody and lead such an effort? When I saw that Huckabee had announced in early 2007 and read his history and agenda, I thought, “My God, HERE HE IS!” How can we pull together this coalition of positive idealists? Huckabee may have set a foundation.


That is exactly why I joined Huckabee’s team last August! You’ve nailed it! I was looking for a candidate with a better vision for our nation with new ideas to make positive change. I was looking for someone who would go beyond party lines to do so. I found that man in Governor Huckabee. Not only did he stress the importance of the issue that was and still is the most important issue to me (the FairTax) but his stance on all the issues came from his heart and was not justified by his wanting of political power. Even though I disagreed with him on social issues (as I lean somewhat Libertarian on those) these were his same stances 15 years ago and he will hold the same 15 years from now. That was exactly the person I was looking for in our next President. Great comment!

Note – you can read Larry’s blog, Stranger In a Foreign Land, HERE

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What Is A Huckabee Republican?

If you have not dropped by in awhile you will notice the heading for this blog has changed. According to the heading I claim to be a “Proud Huckabee Republican!” “So what is a Huckabee Republican?” you ask. Sit down and I’ll tell ya.

8 months ago you would have to drag me kicking and screaming if you wanted to even try to call myself a Republican. Remember when I started this blog I considered myself and “independent voter.” Following the 2008 Huckabee campaign I am changed in several ways. One of those ways is that I have actually drifted towards the Republican party. If you told me that I would eventually join my county’s GOP I would have said “Dude, you’re nuts!” However that is exactly what I have done. In time I will start attending meetings and becoming active. For those of you out there that are discouraged by the GOP, you are not alone. You and I both know that the party needs a good scrubbing. However we are not going to be able to change the GOP and move it in a more positive direction without getting involved.

So am I exactly a Republican? Not quite. However I am close enough right now to call myself a “Huckabee Republican” So I have not answered your question yet. Okay…settle down. I’ll get right down to the meat and potatoes.

A Huckabee Republican:

  • is pro life. However there is a key difference. We believe that life begins at conception and instead of ending at birth, life ends at death. We believe that all human life should be honored and cherished. We must be consistent in that belief. If we do not believe in the protection of human life from conception than why should we care about missing boy scouts or trapped miners? (NOTE – This is a major ideological shift for me. Listening to Mike Huckabee describe it made the stance actually make sense to me rationally. I don’t agree with banning abortion instead eliminating it with a more positive approach – making adoption an easier and less expensive option etc…)
  • believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman and the institution should be protected. (NOTE – This is the only plank I disagree with. I believe that marriage should not be a matter of the State and should be a private matter between a couple and God.
  • believes that politics should be vertical. We are a very polarized nation. It’s left vs right, Liberal vs. Conservative, Republican vs Democrat. We should care about helping our nation and its people rise up from our current problems instead of bickering and fighting amongst ourselves.
  • demands lower taxes for all with a more simple and fair system, THE FAIRTAX that would end the current system that punishes productivity and hard work and replaces it with a system that would be “so simple a 7 year old running a lemonade stand could understand it.” The FairTax would make the United States the world’s tax haven and would be the biggest economic stimulus this nation has ever had. The only way other nations could compete with us is to enact the same system. The FairTax is “fair, flat, finite, & family friendly.” We also believe that the FairTax is a solution to ending poverty. Frankly wouldn’t it be fantastic if April the 15th was just a lovely spring day?
  • believes in balanced budgets. They must be created without raising taxes. The only time taxes can be raised to create a balanced budget is as a last resort.
  • recognizes that a nation that cannot “feed, fuel, and fight for itself cannot be free.” & that “excess taxation and litigation leads to job migration.”
  • understands that our Earth was given to us from God and that we must keep it clean and green. However we should not resort to socialism to meet the challenge. In other words we prescribe to Newt Gingrich’s Green Conservatism
  • demands low cost and effecient health care for all. Our system is broken. We must shift our focus from reactive care to proactive care. Health insurance must also be streamlined. Why should the residents in each state have to pay different rates for the same care with the same provider?
  • demands that we must take measures to become energy independent in ten years. This is an issue of major importance to our economic and national security! Every avenue must be explored: Drilling in ANWAR, developing solar, wind, hydroelectric, and nuclear plants, etc. It’s high time that we tell the Saudis that “we need your oil like we need you sand!” and suggesting “Why don’t you use it for your salad dressing?”
  • demands secure borders. The border fence must be built without anymore delay using American labor and American materials. We must make it as hard to get in our country as it is to go through security at our airports. We must not give those who have come here illegal amnesty either. They must be sent back home and to the back of the line. We also recognize that our intense anger on this matter should be directed towards our elected officials who have created and made this problem worse rather than towards the illegal aliens who have come here for better economic opportunity. “We must thank God that we live in a country that people are trying to break into rather than break out of.”
  • recognizes and honors the sacrifice of our military. We demand the enactment of a Veterans Bill of Rights. the great men and women who selflessly serve in our military should be coming home to a greatful nation and treated with the respect that they deserve.

I realize that there are other planks to the “Huckabee Republican platform.” Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Do you have something that you think should be added to this list? Please leave a comment and I will add it.

Oh and thanks for being patient for this post. I have worked a long time on it to get it to this point.

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We Must Keep Fighting!!

Good morning!

Despite our very best efforts the news was not good last night. But Wisconsin in now in the rear view mirror and we head to Texas and Ohio now. No matter what the odds are and now matter how grim things look we must keep fighting for every vote and every delegate. This is much larger than it seems. We are at the head of a political movement. Did Reagan’s Rangers quit in 1976 even though he might not win the nomination because of the will of the Republican establishment? NO! Did they quit when he was denied the nomination at convention? NO! 1980 came four years later and their persistence paid off! We may not get what we want out of this election cycle but we must keep fighting. Every vote, every delegate won, ever state in our column increases our chances at convention and/or makes Mike Huckabee the frontrunner in 2012.

Some may say that Mike Huckabee is burning bridges in the GOP for fighting this long. However this is a man that is loyal to his principles and to his party. The minute John McCain secures the 1,191 delegates he needs is the minute Mike Huckabee starts campaigning hard for him. I can see no other better keynote speaker at the GOP convention than Mike Huckabee as he states his case why John McCain is better for our country and more qualified to be our president. Ronald Reagan sucked it up, swallowed his pride, and did the very same in 1976 after he was defeated on the floor.


Are you with me?