New Hampshire Primary Is Tomorrow – Vote For Bob Clegg!!!


Dear Friends,

The final day leading up to the Republican Primary is upon us, and your help is greatly needed. Whether it’s a monetary donation to help with our Get-Out-The-Vote Program or whether you canvolunteer on election day, it’s all much appreciated.

I have enjoyed traveling the 2nd Congressional District, going from town to town and listening to  what you want from your Congressman. Paul Hodes has failed us miserably and I am ready to take him on in the general election. I have made it very clear that the New Hampshire values that I’ve worked to protect at the statehouse — limited government, low taxes, second amendment and the sanctity of life — are the same values I will work to protect and promote in Washington. I’ll also bring a whole lot of common sense!

Your support is crucial in making sure that we have the chance to take on Paul Hodes in November. I am asking that you go to your polling location tomorrow, Tuesday September 9, and vote for me. I want to go to Washington to serve you and bring our New Hampshire values to Capitol Hill and your vote tomorrow will go a long way in making sure that this happens. And while you are at it, take a friend with you! 

Right now we are running phone banks, visibilities and literature drops and we need lots of help. We also need volunteers for the polls.

Please let us know if you can help. Call our office at 856-8800 or email

Thanks again and I hope you can join our team on Primary night at the Sky Lounge, 522 Amherst Street in Nashua .


Bob Clegg

Republican Candidate for Congress (NH-02)

PS. Don’t know where your polling place is? Click Here!

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HUCKPAC’S VERTICAL DAY – Bob Clegg For the FairTax!

In his 2nd post today, New Hampshire Congressional Candidate (2nd District), Bob Clegg joins John Linder in writing about his support for the FairTax

Over the past few months, many of you saw checks in the mail from the federal government. As part of the so-called “stimulus package”, the government returned $600 that it originally took from your paycheck. Apparently, Washington politicians came to the realization that more money in your pocket will stimulate the economy and thereby create jobs. The cost of notifying you of the $600 “rebate” was somewhere in the neighborhood of $42 million…and that didn’t even cover the cost of printing new checks and mailing them back to you! Imagine if the government had left that money in your paycheck in the beginning. Imagine if the government didn’t spend $42 million to let you know it was sending you back some of your hard earned dollars. Imagine if the government didn’t spend millions more of your money sending you back your money. That is one of the reasons why I am a proponent of the Fair Tax. Let’s leave the paycheck with the family. Let’s not tax the worker who takes on a second job to send his daughter to college, and reward those who would rather sit back relying on the government to increase taxes to do it for him. Let’s change the system to one where your purchasing decisions determine what taxes you pay and your productivity is rewarded not punished. It’s time for America to allow a family to work hard to better itself, to feed itself, to nurture the belief that a self-sufficient, self-reliant population is a better place than one that waits for government to do it all. We need to reward hard work. We need to leave the paycheck in the pocket of those who have earned it. The time has come for a Fair Tax.

To learn more about Bob Clegg’s campaign for Congress click here.

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HUCKPAC’S VERTICAL DAY – Clegg & Cornyn Chime In

While taking a break to grab a bit to eat and rest my fingers two new posts were published as HuckPAC’s Vertical Day continues.  First up is the Republican candidate for Congress (NH-2) and longtime Huckabee backer Bob Clegg:  

The Right to Life is not simply a modern idiom used for political purpose and mainstream media.  It is one of the significant foundations of our nation and it must honored.

Our Forefathers wrote in our Declaration of Independence that “we are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights, among these; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In this triad, life comes first: you can neither have liberty, nor the opportunity to pursue happiness, if you are not afforded the right to life.

The “Pro-Life” issue is not one that can be addressed with a simple black/white answer. Though I am pro-life, that is not the only discussion that we must have. We must address parental notification, for example, and whether these discussions should take place at the federal or state level.

I served in the New Hampshire state legislature for 14 years. During which I worked hard to protect parental rights and to keep life decisions out of the hands of politicians and placed where they belong–with the family.  Current law, here and in many states, allows for a minor child to be taken to a clinic to end her pregnancy without a parent knowing.  This lacks clear common sense.  A 13 year old cannot go to a tanning booth without the consent of a parent, and yet can have a medically intrusive procedure, such as an abortion, without the parent even being made aware.

We see on the news far too often young teenagers meeting older men on line and beginning a relationship. However with the removal of the rights of a parent to care for his or her child, a 13 year old girl in New Hampshire can be brought to an abortion clinic by a 30 year old who caused the pregnancy and the parents will never be the wiser. To allow this lacks common sense. The government has taken over where family belongs. 

It is time these discussions take place with the people. Life and the right to life is an issue that should not live within the court system, nor within the federal government. The state government is the best place to hold discussions.  Those elected locally by the people have a better and stronger understanding of the needs and philosophies of the people than the federal government—who creates broad stroke laws that can never truly represent the individual issues and dynamics of states. It is a matter of state rights and it is a matter of individual and family rights.

We must remember to respect life at every stage, from childbirth to old age. It is a sacred gift that is to be cared for and nurtured until it expires. 

Please visit my website at for more details on my campaign.

The next post is by Texas Senator “Big John” Cornyn and he writes about the importance of the appointment of Federal Judges:

Presidents come and go, but federal judges are appointed for life. There is no more pressing concern about a future Obama presidency than his potential influence on the federal bench, particularly through his appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. The outlook is not reassuring.

With the addition of Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Alito, President Bush has restored some balance to the high court. The two new justices are jurists of impeccable character and record. Sen. Obama voted against both. The Washington Post reported that Sen. Obama was
advised to oppose Roberts by his staff, who feared that a “yes” vote would harm Obama among left-wing activists and interfere with his presidential primary prospects.

If history is any guide, the next President may have two or more appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. Sen. Obama, speaking to a Planned Parenthood conference last year, faulted the current judicial confirmation procedure, which relies heavily on legal experience and reputation among peers. Sen. Obama had a different outlook on the qualities needed on the federal bench: ” We need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that’s the criteria by which I’m going to be selecting my judges.”

Empathy should not be the prime qualification for the bench. Ability to apply the law fairly, without favor or prejudice, should guide this process. Sen. McCain has been responsible and constructive in judicial confirmations, reaching across party lines as a member of the Gang of 14
to break a partisan logjam over President Bush’s judicial nominations. His success, quite frankly, surprised me. He has generally supported nominees of good character, men and women who have shown the ability to follow the law as written, and to avoid substituting their own views for
that law.

The stakes are high in this election. Sen. McCain has numerous attributes, including a strong record on cutting wasteful government spending. Some conservatives are irked because he’s also shown an independent streak on events of the moment. But federal judges appointed in the next Presidential term will be serving, and rendering decisions, for decades. I would feel very comfortable if a President McCain were making those nominations. Thanks to Governor Huckabee, HuckPAC, and all the bloggers for inviting me to take place in “Vertical Day.”

You can learn more about Senator John Cornyn at

Huckabee headed up to NH For Bob Clegg

Governor Mike Huckabee is headed back to New Hampshire to campaign for Bob Clegg! He was one of Huck’s most ardent supporters and is now running for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd District (and is endorsed by Governor Huckabee). Here’s the details of Huckabee’s swing with Clegg from Clegg’s campaign:

Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is coming back to New Hampshire – and he’s bringing his bass guitar.

Huckabee will be campaigning for state Sen. Bob Clegg, a Republican candidate for Congress from Hudson. Clegg, who was one of Huckabee’s most prominent supporters during the New Hampshire primary, will campaign with the former Arkansas governor on June 8 and 9 in Nashua. The pair will attend the Nashua “Summer Jam” on June 8, where Huckabee may join in the music.

Music-making was a big part of Huckabee’s campaign. As governor, he was in a band called Capitol Offense.

Sunday, June 8th
6:00pm- 8:00pm
“Summer Jam” with Bob Clegg!
At the Sky Lounge (522 Amherst Street, Nashua)
Enjoy the music of local band The Classics
Suggested Contribution $25

Monday, June 9th

Rally with Bob Clegg and Governor Huckabee
as Senator Clegg files his candidacy for the 2nd Congressional District!
In front of the State House in Concord

To RSVP or for any questions, please contact

Cassidy at (603) 856-8800 or

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Doesn’t that feel better? After that blues classic I sure do. Now time to move on and move forward!

Let’s look at the big picture. It’s time to see the forest from the trees. let’s step back.. This is by far the darkest day of the Campaign but we have seen dark days before. October 1st was a dark day. That was the day after the end of the 3rd fundraising quarter. The numbers were not good and we took a kick in the pants. However we took that kick in the pants and used that to charge forward with a full head of steam. We’ve taken another kick in the pants today and there is no reason why we can’t turn it into positive fuel and charge ahead again. Let’s look at what has occurred so far

Mike Huckabee won Iowa. McCain won New Hampshire but couldn’t turn that into a win in Michigan. Romney couldn’t turn his win into any success in South Carolina. All indication is that McCain won’t be able to turn his South Carolina win into a win in Florida either. He is now Enemy Numero Uno for the establishment. They seem McCain as an even bigger threat than Huckabee is. Everyone will be gunning for him in the next ten days. Huck is now off the radar screen.

Speaking of Florida this is Rudy’s last stand. His strategy has always been to take a win in Florida onto Super Tuesday and turn it into the nomination. Someone else also has this strategy now and should relish the opportunity. That is Mike Huckabee! And guess what? Mike has more viability and more delegates now than Rudy does. He’s had more success and has gone farther than Rudy has. If there is anyone that can take a Florida win onto Super Tuesday it is Huck!

What we have is a battle for delegates. It is appearing more likely that we are headed for a fight at the convention (but even the Dems are showing signs of that with Hillary’s win in the popular vote but Obama’s delegate win from Nevada yesterday). The delegate count:

1. Romney – 66
2. McCain – 38
3. Huckabee – 26

It appears to me that there is a battle in Florida in which there will be two winners. Giuliani vs McCain and Romney vs Huckabee. The winners of those contests will win the majority of delegates on Super Tuesday. It’s very clear that all four will win delegates on February 5th but those two contests in Florida will decide who wins the most. Rudy/John and Mitt/Mike are battles in which the two will fight over the same voters.

So let’s get some rest today and enjoy the Virtual BBQ with Chuck Norris (and football games after that). We’ve worked hard. We have lots to be proud of. After that we have 9 days. It’s time to refuel and then regroup. We still have lots to fight for.

Mike Huckabee Back On Top In Daily GOP Tracking Poll!

My oh my this has been a topsy-turvey cycle. For a little while Mike Huckabee had run at the top of the field according to the Rasmussen Daily GOP Tracking Poll. After he had displaced Rudy, there was a dead-heat after the New Year. After McCain won New Hampshire he soared to the top. As Michigan approached McCain fell back down and now after Michigan Mike Huckabee has reassumed the top spot.

Today’s tracking poll
finds Mike Huckabee at 23%, John McCain at 20% Michigan winner, Mitt Romney is at 18% (and climbing), Fred Thompson sits at 12%, and Rudy is down at 11%.

I expect to see some changes in this tracking poll between now and South Carolina on Saturday. McCain’s momentum is now halted, and Romney is getting his Michigan bump. Let’s see if it continues tomorrow. What is very clear is that Huckabee’s support is more stead and strong. while everyone goes up and down the merry-go-round based on momentum.

Fasten your seat belts gang. We’ve still got a long ways to go!

POLLS – Where does GOP Stand in MI, NV, SC, & FL

Okay so now that we have New Hampshire out of the way it is time to look forward at where we stand in the next four contests

First up is Michigan. There have been no new polls here in the past three weeks-a month. So let’s use the RCP average:

Romney – 19.8%
Huckabee – 18.8%
McCain – 13.0%
Guliani – 12.5%

EDIT – New poll just released by Rossman out of Michigan HUCK LEADS!!

Huckabee – 23%
Romney – 22%
McCain – 18%

As New Hampshire had the Independents Michigan has the Dems. Only Hillary is on the ballot and there is a movement by Obama supporters to cross over and vote for Huckabee. Very interesting!

In Nevada no new polls have come out in a month So we will also use the RCP average:

Guiliani – 23.7%
Romney – 23.7%
Huckabee 15.3%

By the time the last polls were taken Huckaboom was beginning and his rise was dramatic. The very low polling from before November hurts his average. I expect to see higher numbers from Huck and McCain as well with new poll numbers.

Things are even more rosy for Huck in The Palmetto State. Three recent polls have come out in the last few days and Huck enjoys a big lead in the RCP average!

Huckabee – 32.3%
McCain – 19.7%
Romney – 16.0%

Florida is quite key and will be shaped by the three states voting before it does on the 29th of January. Florida is supposedly Rudy’s stronghold but his numbers in Florida and nationally are taking a nosedive. Will he be able to right the ship and win? If not he’s toast! Things are closer than before in the RCP average:

Guiliani – 26.5%
Huckabee – 21.3%
Romney – 16.5%
McCain – 14.3%

There are some recent polls that are not included in the average that show Huck leading and Rudy tanking. Apparently RCP doesn’t trust them. Florida is unknown at this point. It is likely that there will be candidates out of the race by this point (Thompson…maybe Romney too). We’ll just have to wait and see.

New hampshire Fallout

Wow! New Hampshire was fun wasn’t it? NH has changed everything and the crystal ball looks muddy at this point. Even minutes before the returns came in last night we were betting the farm on an Obama blowout of Clinton. that did not happen. Of course we did expect a McCain victory and that did happen. With 96% of Precincts reporting here’s the numbers:

McCain – 37%
Romney – 32%
Huckabee – 11%
Guiliani – 9%
Paul – 8%
Thompson – 1%


Clinton – 39%
Obama – 37%
Edwards – 17%
Richardson – 5%
Kucinich – 1%

So what does it all mean? Well the Clinton surprise changes everything in the Democratic race. Before last night it was all but certain that Obama would sweep to the nomination. Not so fast my friend! We now have a Battle Royale on our hands. The win last night has revived Clinton’s campaign and given it brand new life. It has also kept John Edwards around for South Carolina (which he won in 2004). Between New Hampshire and South Carolina is Michigan (who will vote for Clinton even though they’ve lost all their delegates), and Nevada (where Clinton has a big lead right now). If Edwards wins South Carolina again (not likely but possible) we might see a brokered convention in late August.

Now to the GOP. Huckabee won Iowa. Romney won Wyoming. McCain won New Hampshire. More importantly Mitt Romney lost both Iowa and New Hampshire where he was leading big two-three months ago. Romney is down to his last out. That last out is Michigan (where he was born and his father was Governor). It’s going to be a three-man race between McCain, Romney, and Huckabee. I am very anxious to see some new polls from Michigan. Nevada is anyone’s guess at this point. South Carolina looks like Huckabee’s to lose. Florida, Rudy’s last stand is showing signs of the Huckaboom. It’s looking rather good for Huckabee right now but things could change and we must keep working hard.

It is distinctively possible at this point that one or both parties could have brokered conventions. Incredible


I did not see this one coming at all. Senator Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner of the New Hampshire Democratic Primary. Amazing. This changes everything! More on the fallout from NH tomorrow morning.

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Mike Huckabee Comments On 3rd Place Finish in New Hampshire

Governor Mike Huckabee sent this message to his supporters as a comment on his 3rd place finish in New Hampshire:

I just finished speaking to our supporters in New Hampshire before heading off to South Carolina. We are running a strong third place finish as I write, our rivals had a long history in New Hampshire, deeper organizations and millions of dollars of advertising in the state. Just weeks ago we were polling 5th and 6th in the state. Tonight we finished strong and came in third. A special thanks to the people of New Hampshire! Thank you to the volunteers on the ground and our dedicated campaign staff that made this happen.

Our ideas are resonating: our strong support for life and marriage, securing our borders, preventative health care, energy independence and massive tax reform all helped propel us here.

Lets keep it going. Important primaries in Michigan, South Carolina and Florida are ahead of us and we must be prepared.

Tonight I ask you to do three things to help us build on our momentum:

1. Make an immediate contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, or $500 tonight. We have proven tonight that we can continue to compete, and that we know how to effectively invest your contribution. Will you make a contribution tonight and show the world, the pundits and voters across this country that we have the momentum and it is sweeping us onward.

2. Share the success story of our campaign with friends and family. If there are friends or neighbors that doubted our campaign, or are undecided, please encourage them to visit our website tonight, tomorrow and over the next few days and learn more.

3. Consider becoming more involved in our campaign: Volunteer, Join a Meetup or start a Grassroots Meetup Team, Join our Myspace group, our Facebook group and our LinkedIn group.

Three ways to help us keep the momentum going: contribute, share the news and become more involved.

Again, I cannot adequately express my profound thanks to you. When people ask you tonight and tomorrow why you think we did so well in a state where only weeks ago we were polling 5th and 6th, please tell them because we believed in some important ideas and we stand by those ideas, and we do so together.

We are less than $250,000 from our goal, lets knock this out of the park.

With deep gratitude,

Mike Huckbee

PS We have launched new online headquarters in Florida, South Carolina and Michigan. If you live in these states, I encourage you to get involved.

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