Tom Ganley For US Senate!

Ohio, like the rest of the Country is hurting economically.  I believe that the solution to these problems is the FairTax.  Unfortunately we have very few co-sponsors in the US Senate.  I am very happy to report that a candidate for the US Senate has come forward that supports and will fight for the FairTax.  That candidate is Tom Ganley and he is running to represent the citizens of Ohio in the US Senate.

Ganley, a businessman from Cleveland, is also a very solid Conservative.  He is pro life, pro 2nd Amendment, and he stands for less government and more personal responsibility.  Tom Ganley will be a Senator The Buckeye State and the rest of the country can be proud of.  That is why I am very proud to endorse Tom Ganley to become the next US Senator from Ohio!  I hope you will take some time to visit his website, become a supporter on Facebook, and follow Tom on Twitter.

SUPER TUESDAY II – Everything Going As Expected so far

It’s almost 8 PM and polls are closed in Vermont and Ohio. John McCain has been declared the winner in both as expected. Obama has been declared the winner in Vermont. It is too close to call in Ohio for the Democrats. But again that is also to be expected. We wait anxiously for Texas.


There was a CNN debate scheduled for February 28th that was to be sponsored by the Ohio Republican Party but it has been wrongfully canceled. I think the nation deserves to hear a one-on-one debate on the issues between John McCain and Mike Huckabee. I know you will as well. So would you please do two things:

1. Please go sign this petition
2. Spread the word to everyone you know so they can sign the petition too.

Thank you!

Huckabee Supporters Make History In Ohio!

A big Atta-Boy and Congratulations must go out to the Mike Huckabee supporters in Ohio. One month ago they had no potential delegates to the convention and no signatures to get Mike Huckabee’s name on the GOP ballot for their primary in March. The following was posted and relayed by harringtons4huck on the Huck’s Army Forum:

Hello Fellow Buckeyes!
Wanted to pass on to you an email I received from Jeff who is Huckabee Ballot Chairman in Ohio! He did an absolutely incredible job!!! Thanks Jeff!!!! I don’t think he will mind me passing it on! This will make you proud, and will motivate you to take OHIO for MIKE!!!


Dear Ohio Delegates, Alternates, and Volunteers:
Yesterday at 2:00pm I walked into the Ohio Secretary of State’s office with two black suitcases. Included in those suitcases were 1900 at-large delegate petitions, 2100 at-large alternate petitions, and a whole lot of history. We also turned in our petitions in all 18 Congressional Districts. Over 8500 signatures in all. In just over 30 days, the Huckabee Campaign has done what no other Presidential campaign has ever accomplished in Ohio so quickly or inexpensively. We recruited 170 amazing volunteer delegates who were willing to not only circulate petitions, but pay their own way to the Republican National Convention. The best part is we spent $0 on paid circulators. Every one of you gave up your time with your family and friends over the holidays, because of your appreciation for Governor Huckabee. In the past 30 days I’ve made literally thousands of new friends and each of you deserve the credit for this victory.

Now that we have accomplished our goal, I can tell you a funny story. When I first contacted a statewide elected official (who will remain nameless) in early December to introduce myself as the Huckabee Ballot Chair in Ohio, the person I was speaking with laughed at me when I said we had no delegates and no signatures. They informed me the other candidates started this process in August and went on to say “Are you crazy? There is no way you’ll ever get this done on time.” My only response was “you have no idea what our people our capable of.” I thought about this encounter yesterday when I turned in the petitions. Looking around the office I noticed the staff looking on in amazement. When asked how we did it I said, “you have no idea what our people are capable of.” This was truly one of the proudest moments of my life and I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart.

What you all have figured out is we are supporting not only a great candidate, but a great man. Mike Huckabee is a man whose values are consistent with real Americans who live on Main Street, not Wall Street. The people of Iowa have figured this out too and pretty soon the rest of America will follow. Starting today we are moving to the next stage in the campaign process. We will begin organizing the best ground campaign this state has ever seen. With your help we will deliver Ohio for Mike Huckabee.

Thank you all so very much.

In abundance,


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A Look At Recent Polls

There are many state polls out for the GOP Race. They all are confirming the “Huckabee Surge” at the national level. I know I am missing some but here are the polls I have seen, the company polling, and the state being polled (only candidates in double-digits are included also the the numbers +/- are from the last poll from that company in the state):

Pennsylvania GOP (Qunnipiac)

Rudy Guiliani – 27% (-2)
Undecided – 23%
Mike Huckabee – 13% (+7)
John McCain – 13% (+1)

New Hampshire GOP (Zogby)

Mitt Romney – 35% (+11)
John McCain – 17% (+1)
Rudy Guiliani – 15% (-6)
Mike Huckabee – 10% (+5)
Undecided – 10% (-7)

Iowa GOP (Zogby):

Mitt Romney – 26% (-5)
Mike Huckabee – 25% (+10)
Undecided – 15% (-1)
Rudy Guiliani – 12% (+1)

Ohio GOP (Qunnipiac):

Rudy Guiliani – 29% (+2)
Undecided – 21%
John McCain – 13% (+1)
Mike Huckabee – 10% (+3)

Florida GOP (Quinnipiac):

Rudy Guiliani – 30%
Undecided – 17%
Mitt Romney – 12%
Mike Huckabee – 11% (+3)
Fred Thompson – 10% (-4)

Florida GOP (Suvey USA):

Rudy Guiliani – 32% (-2)
Mike Huckabee – 18% (+10)
Mitt Romney – 15% (-2)
Fred Thompson – 14% (-8)
John McCain – 11% (+1)

California GOP (Survey USA):

Rudy Guiliani – 32% (-7)
John McCain – 18% (+5)
Mike Huckabee – 14% (he didn’t register in the last poll so +14)
Fred Thompson – 13% (-5)

North Carolina (Public Policy Polling):

Mike Huckabee – 33% (wow)
Rudy Guiliani – 17%
Fred Thompson – 16%
Undecided – 10%

So to review here are the states Mike Huckabee is polling in double digits: Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California, Texas, Missouri, and Alabama. A new poll is rumored to be released soon in New York which will add that state to the list (with Huck in 2nd), and Strategic Vision is coming out with a new poll in Iowa with Huck leading tomorrow.

to quote a poster on the Huck’s Army Forum, “The Surge is Working!”